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Referenced books and publications provide information that is relevant to the endeavors of The People’s Alternative. We’ve utilized these resources, authored by experts, to educate ourselves not only about government but also about our economic and social welfare. They offer advice on how to effect change. We appreciate the knowledge they have shared and acknowledge their contributions to our efforts.

We've included some popular links to where they can be bought or viewed. If you have a suggestion, please feel free to contact us and let us know!

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The People's Alternative

Dueling Populisms

Victor Davis Hanson,

Hoover Institution

Article, Thursday, April 12, 2018

Trump has revived the ancient tension between urban radicals who seek equality, and rural conservatives who seek liberty.

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The Third House:

Lobbyists and Lobbying in the States

Alan Rosenthal

The book, which has drawn praise for its inviting and accessible style, thoroughly examines the lobbying the settings in which lobbying takes place, the types and styles of lobbyists, the broad range of approaches and techniques used by lobbyists, and the role and influence of lobbying in our system of representative democracy.

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The Fourth Turning Is Here:

What the Seasons of History Tell Us about How and When This Crisis Will End

Neil Howe

The visionary behind the bestselling phenomenon The Fourth Turning looks once again to America’s past to predict our future in this startling and hopeful prophecy for how our present era of civil unrest will resolve over the next ten years—and what our lives will look like once it has.

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Let The People Rule:

How Direct Democracy Can Meet the Populist Challenge

John G. Matsusaka

With a crisis of representation hobbling democracies across the globe, Let the People Rule offers important new ideas about the crucial role the referendum can play in the future of government.

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The Lobbyists:

How Influence Peddlers Work Their Way in Washington

Jeffrey Birnbaum

This acclaimed work -- now with a new introduction that analyzes the changes in lobbying in 1990s - provides a shocking view of how our government really works.

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Technocracy in America:

Rise of the Info-State

Parag Khanna

The ideal form of government for the complex 21st century is what Khanna calls a "direct technocracy," one led by experts but perpetually consulting the people through a combination of democracy and data.

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