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Many Americans are concerned about the age of members of Congress, with the current Congress being the oldest on average in at least the past 20 years. Recent polls indicate a strong preference for age limits. A considerable 72% of voters support setting a maximum age limit for Congress members. These sentiments reflect a concerns about the effectiveness of older lawmakers.

Please share your opinion or suggestions on the following legislation proposal.
Mandatory Retirement Age for Congress
To establish a mandatory retirement age for members of Congress.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the “Congressional Retirement Age Act of 2025.”
(a) Retirement Age Requirement.
Effective January 1, 2027, any individual serving as a member of the United States Senate or House of Representatives shall be required to retire upon reaching the age of 65.
(b) Transition Provisions.
(1) Any member of Congress who reaches the age of 65 prior to January 1, 2027, shall be required to retire at the end of their current term.
(2) Any member of Congress who reaches the age of 65 after January 1, 2027, shall be required to retire immediately upon reaching the age of 65.
(a) Prohibition on Reelection.
No individual may run for reelection to the United States Senate or House of Representatives if they will reach the mandatory retirement age of 65 before the end of the term for which they are running.
(a) Medical Exceptions.
In cases where a member of Congress is deemed physically and mentally fit to continue serving, a special committee shall review and may grant an extension of service for a period not exceeding one year, subject to annual review.
(b) National Emergency.
In the event of a declared national emergency, the mandatory retirement age may be temporarily suspended by a joint resolution of Congress.
The Office of Personnel Management shall be responsible for implementing and enforcing the provisions of this Act.
I also believe that term limits are possible, but unless we have a huge well-known figure like President Trump promoting this issue, it will never get through. This is something that has been tried, but our politicians always find a way to kill it. Unless we have someone on the bully pulpit with a megaphone willing to die on this hill, then it never has a chance of being passed. I am hopeful that a generation will come along and say that enough is enough, and finally give back power to the people.
I believe term limits are impossible and will never happen. The only chance we have to get loyal representatives is to keep the good and remove the bad. The only way to do that is through the process offered here at TPA. Think about it: if we can get enough people to stand together and get their attention, we can influence them. If not, they will continue as is. If this works, then we'll have all good representatives and won't want to get rid of them until they retire. The major hurdle is getting voters engaged here. If we don't, nothing will change, as we can't compete with special interests, the lobby, and such. If we don't get people engaged…
I absolutely agree there needs to be a maximum age limit, perhaps 65 sounds better than 60. However, in any case- I believe there should also be term limits like the President has. No more than 3 terms for Senate and 10 terms for Congress. Just a suggestion. That way age doesn't come into play as much.
I can't disagree that there are those whose mind is sharper than others their age, but there has to be a maximum age. At this time there is no retirement age and what we're seeing is how the older members of congress have more influence than junior members and, unfortunately, they have developed a relationship with a larger variety of people who they are beholding to. The shorter the time in office the smaller the base of influence from special interests.
I would need more discussion on this Bill. I think there are many people over the age of 60, with great intellect and ideas that could change our government. I will say if you have been elected and been given 8 or more years to make a change, then you have had your time and it is time for another to see what they can do. We have too many elected officials that are there just for a paycheck, getting rich and doing nothing that benefits the people. This to me is a bigger concern. I’m not saying I’m again a maximum age limit, I just need more time to think and resort understand the benefits and the effects.